Lifeline Students
Lifeline Students is for students in 7th-12th grade
Students will begin attending in June at the end of their sixth grade year through the summer after their senior year of high school.
At Lifeline Students, we strive to provide a Christ-honoring, Bible-believing environment where our students find meaning and passion for living out their faith on mission for God's glory and purposes as they grow in their sense of belonging, believing, and becoming life-long followers of Christ:
Belong: We foster a loving community where students know they are valued and supported.
Believe: Through sound biblical teaching, we trust that the Holy Spirit will deepen students’ belief in the gospel.
Become: We long to see students grow as gospel-centered disciples of Christ, equipped to live out their faith in everyday life.
We meet at Lifeline Community Church, every Wednesday evening from 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM. Gatherings include worship, Bible study, small groups, and fellowship. Our ministry also extends to activities such as bimonthly discipleship cohorts, monthly outreach events, and a summer mission camp.
Through worship, fellowship, and discipleship, students are encouraged to grow in five core areas:
Gospel Identity (2 Cor. 5:17): Learning who we are in Christ, and how our identity in Him shapes every part of our lives.
Biblical Literacy (2 Tim. 3:16): Gaining a deep, personal understanding of God’s word, preparing for a life of faith.
Biblical Theology (Heb. 13:9): Understanding the core doctrines of the Christian faith, helping students think and live with a gospel-centered worldview.
Biblical Community (Heb. 10:24-25): Growing in relationships with fellow believers, encouraging one another, and living out Christ’s love.
Biblical Outreach (Mark 10:45): Developing a heart for others, seeking to serve and share the gospel both in word and deed.
Together, these core areas work to produce Life Transformation (Rom. 12:1-2), where students live out their faith as disciples of Christ in all areas of life.
Whether you’re a student looking to grow in your faith or a parent wanting to connect, we invite you to join us at Lifeline Students. Let’s grow together in Christ!
Our ministry is led by Pastor Aaron Dodd and caring adult leaders and supported by a vibrant student leadership team.=
Topical Resources for Students and Parents:
"Habits of the Household: Practicing the Story of God in Everyday Family Rhythms” by Justin Whitmel Earley (High School / College level reading)
“Growing With: Every Parent's Guide to Helping Teenagers and Young Adults Thrive in Their Faith, Family, and Future” by Kara Powell and Steven Argue (High School / College level reading)
The Fuller Institute offers an additional free resource library and blog library with multiple articles on several topics.
“What Teens Need from Parents: A Counselor’s Perspective” TGC article by Leia Joseph
“Parent, Meet Your Teen” TGC article by Paul Tripp
“Don’t Outsource Your Kids to Youth Group” TGC roundtable video discussion (<8mins)
“Parent, Meet Your Teenager” article by Paul Tripp
AXIS ministries offers multiple Parent Guides on various topics such as: Discipling Teens, Shame-Free Parenting, Difficult Conversations, Teen Identity, Gen Z, and much more.
“Family Discipleship” by Matt Chandler & Adam Griffin (High School / College level reading)
Free PDF eBook HERE.
“Age Of Opportunity: A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens” by Paul Tripp (High School / College level reading)
“Every Moment Holy: Volume One” by Douglas Kaine McKelvey
“How Do I Have a Spiritual Conversation With My Teenager?” article from
Additional Rooted Ministry resources on parenting HERE
"Should I Make My Teen Go to Church If They Don't Want To?" article from
"How to Train Teenagers to Spend Time with God" article from
“Raising Resilient Disciples: Faith For Exiles For Parents” online course for parents raising children in the digital age (based on Barna’s thorough research compiled in THIS book)
Resources on Parenting from
Resources on Parenting from
- offers beautifully crafted and theologically rich video content for all ages.
Don’t miss out on their free classroom course options HERE. is a free and easy to understand online bible commentary.
The Gospel Coalition free online learning courses offers topical answers to thousands of questions you could think to ask about the bible, and more.
“Look at the Book” is a theologically rich collection of exegetical study videos with Pastor John Piper.
The Inductive Bible Study method is an investigative way of studying Scripture that can be used by bible students of all ages and seasons. Here are some inductive study aids from InterVarsity, Logos, and Navigators.
Verses is a free ministry and catalog of songs produced by a host of notable and creative Christian songwriters, which lyrics are 100% scripture! It's a creative and well-produced means of intaking good music and scripture memorization! They're also on Spotify and Apple Music. is a free and easily accessible online encyclopedia of theological terms, topics, and ideas. offers a robust database of theologically and academically deep material, from a multitude of reliable contributors on a wide array of topics and issues. offers not only in-person and online ministry training opportunities for teens, but they provide a plethora of free and helpful resources for further study and Christian living.
“For the Church Institute” is a new and growing online resource, offered by Midwestern Seminary, providing free college level courses where the student can go at their own pace. offers a free database of historically and theologically robust contributors and resources. provides powerful tools for an in-depth study of God's Word through their free online reference library, with study tools that are grounded in the historical, conservative Christian faith. is an accessible resource for students looking for biblical answers to theological and life issues.
AXIS ministries offers multiple Parent Guides on various topics such as: Hearing From God,The Bible, Evangelism, A Doubting Teen, and much more.
“Renovation of the Heart: An Interactive Student Edition: Putting on the Character of Christ” - by Dallas Willard and Randy Frazee
“Disciplines of a Godly Young Man” by R. Kent Hughes and W. Carey Hughes
“3 Big Questions That Change Every Teenager: Making the Most of Your Conversations and Connections” by Kara Powell and Brad M. Griffin
“Lies Young Women Believe and the Truth That Sets Them Free” by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth and Dannah Gresh
“New Morning Mercies for Teens: A Daily Gospel Devotional” by Paul David Tripp
“Why Bother With Church?” by Sam Allberry
“Everyday Theology - Teen Bible Study Book: What You Believe Matters”
“Glory Hunger: God, the Gospel, and Our Quest for Something More” by JR Vassar
“Life Questions Every Student Asks: Faithful Responses to Common Issues” by Gary M. Burge and David Lauber
“The Jesus I Wish I Knew in High School” by Cameron Cole and Charlotte Getz
“Pressure Points: A Guide to Navigating Student Stress” by Shelby Abbott
“Real Change for Students: Becoming More Like Jesus in Everyday Life” by Andrew Nicholls offers a host of very helpful resources/articles on a wide array of topics HERE.
Resources on Spiritual Growth, Devotional Life, Pursuit of Holiness, Identity in Christ, Sanctification and Growth, and the Unwasted Life from
Resources on Personal Holiness, Purposeful Living, Sanctification and Growth, Discipleship, and the Devotional Life from
“Is God Anti-Gay?” (Revised and Updated 2023 edition) by Sam Allberry (High School / College level reading)
“Gay Girl, Good God” by Jackie Hill Perry (High School / College level reading)
“What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality?” by Kevin DeYoung (High School / College level reading)
“Holy Sexuality and the Gospel: Sex, Desire, and Relationships Shaped by God's Grand Story” by Christopher Yuan (High School / College level reading)
“Making All Things New: Restoring Joy to the Sexually Broken” - by David Powlison (High School level reading)
“The Meaning of Sex: Christian Ethics and the Moral Life” by Dennis P. Hollinger (High School / College level reading)
“When Children Come Out: A Guide for Christian Parents” by Mark A. Yarhouse & Olya Zaporozhets (High School / College level reading)
“Alive: Gospel Sexuality for Students” by HarvestUSA (see Pastor Aaron if you’re interested in this resource. He may still have copies available for you!)
“Across the Kitchen Table: Talking About Trans with your Kids” by Sam A. Andreades
“How to Respond If Your Child Comes Out” TGC article by Maria Keffler
“The Christian Debate over Sexual Identity” podcast with Sam Allberry (<13mins)
Resources on Sexual Purity, Pornography, and Homosexuality from
Resources on Sexual Purity,Pornography, and Homosexuality from brings the truth and mercy of Jesus Christ by helping individuals and families affected by sexual struggles and by providing resources that address biblical sexuality to individuals and churches. See their blog resources on pornography, same-sex attraction, transgenderism, and more HERE.
“5 Principles for Sexual Sin” article by Costi Hinn
“Is Gay Okay for Christians? What about Transgender?” video lectures by Denny Burk
“Rightly Ordered Relationships: Sexuality, Friendships, Dating, and Gender” free online course offered by TGC and Bethlehem College and Seminary
AXIS ministries offers multiple Parent Guides on various topics such as: Pornography, LGBTQ+ & Your Teen, Talking About Masturbation, Purity, Sexting, Sexual Assault, The Sex Talk, and much more.
“Modesty, Misogyny, and #metoo: A Biblical Exploration of Modesty and Why it Matters Today” scholarly/academic research paper by Catherine Garrison is not a faith-based organization, but they offer factual, well researched, and free resources on the global, relational, and personally harmful effects of pornography.
They offer a free three-part documentary series entitled “Brain, Heart, World”
“Male and Female He Created Them: A Study on Gender, Sexuality, & Marriage” by Denny Burk, Colin Smothers, & David Closson (High School / College level reading)
“Gender Ideology: What Do Christians Need to Know?” by Sharon James (High School / College level reading)
“Transgender” by Vaughan Roberts (High School level reading)
“God and the Transgender Debate: What Does the Bible Actually Say about Gender Identity?” by Andrew T. Walker (High School level reading)
“Gender: A Conversation Guide for Parents and Pastors” by Brian Seagraves & Hunter Leavine (High School level reading)
“Gender Identity and Faith: Clinical Postures, Tools, and Case Studies for Client-Centered Care” by Mark A. Yarhouse and Julia A. Sadusky (High School / College level reading)
“Does God Care About Gender Identity?” by Sam Ferguson (High School level reading)
“4 Ways Christians Can Navigate Cultural Confusion around Gender in the Coming Decade” article by Carl R. Trueman
“3 Things to Tell Your Children About Gender” TGC article by Dan Doriani
“How to Talk with Your Kids About Transgender Ideology” TGC article by Josh Glaser and Paula Rinehart
“8 Things Parents Should Do When Kids Want to Transition Their Gender” TGC article by Sam Ferguson
Additional resources on the Transgender topic from HERE, and on Manhood & Womanhood HERE.
Additional resources on gender from
AXIS ministries offers multiple Parent Guides on various topics such as: Gender Identity, Gender, and much more. brings the truth and mercy of Jesus Christ by helping individuals and families affected by sexual struggles and by providing resources that address biblical sexuality to individuals and churches. See their blog multiple blog resources on the topic of transgenderism HERE.
“TransFormed: A brief biblical and pastoral introduction to understanding transgender in a changing culture” - This free PDF booklet (by the Evangelical Alliance in the UK) presents a biblical and pastoral crashcourse on gender dysphoria while offering basic recommendations for how to minister to those who struggle.
“Outdated: Find Love That Lasts When Dating Has Changed” by JP Pokluda and Kevin McConaghy (High School / College level reading)
“Single, Dating, Engaged, Married: Navigating Life and Love in the Modern Age” by Ben Stuart (High School / College level reading)
Check out Ben Stuart’s 6-part sermon series on this topic/book HERE.
“7 Myths About Singleness” by Sam Allberry (High School level reading)
“Chasing Love” by Sean McDowell (High School level reading)
“Is It Harmful to Date in High School?” podcast with Pastor John Piper (<11mins)
“Is It Sinful to Date a Non-Christian?” podcast with Pastor John Piper (<6mins)
“Single Christian: Are You Enjoying Your Union with Christ?” article by Caitlin McCaffrey
“Three Responses to Teenagers About Singleness” article by Devan Greyson
“Honoring God in Singleness and Dating” podcast (<40mins) with Marshall Segal on his book “Not Yet Married”
“Singleness is a Gift from God” sermon by JP Pokluda
Resources on Dating & Singleness from
Resources on Dating & Courtship from
Resources on Dating & Singleness from Tim Challies
Resources on Dating from the
“Darkroom Faith” short films
“The Way of Exile” video (<5mins) from
“This Changes Everything: How the Gospel Transforms the Teen Years” by Jaquelle Crowe (Jr. High / High School level reading)
“Strange New World” by Carl R. Truman (High School / College level reading)
“What Do I Say When…?: A Parents' Guide to Navigating Cultural Chaos for Children and Teens” Empathetic in tone, this book helps busy parents quickly access answers to the most important topics confronting our youth today. Topics addressed include human dignity, abortion, sexuality, transgenderism, technology, political engagement, and more.
“Disruptive Witness: Speaking Truth in a Distracted Age” by Alan Noble (High School / College level reading)
“Everyday Theology: How to Read Cultural Texts and Interpret Trends” edited by Kevin Vanhoozer (High School / College level reading)
“Gray Matters” by Brett McCracken (High School / College level reading)
“The Culturally Savvy Christian: A Manifesto for Deepening Faith and Enriching Popular Culture in an Age of Christianity-Lite” - by Dick Staub (High School level reading)
“Biblical Critical Theory: How the Bible's Unfolding Story Makes Sense of Modern Life and Culture” by Chris Watkin (College level reading)
“How to Reach the West Again: Six Essential Elements of a Missionary Encounter” PDF booklet by Timothy Keller (High School / College level reading)
“Good Faith: Being Christian When Society Thinks You’re Irrelevant and Extreme” by David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons (High School level reading)
“How to Engage Culture and Swim Against It” podcast with Pastor John Piper (<12mins)
“How to Engage Culture with Your Students and Kids” article by Seth Stewart
“Cultural Engagement” article by Russell Moore is a helpful source of articles, podcasts, and more - on a wide array of cultural engagement, from multiple contributors is resource offering articles, podcasts, and videos on how to engage and think through cultural artifacts of our media saturated age.
Resources on Culture and Arts & Literature from
Resources on the Church and Culture, Culture, Art, Film & Television, Literature, Music, Performing Arts, Poetry, Story, and Visual Arts from
- is a wonderful apologetics resource from Dr. Sean McDowell. is Frank Turek’s evangelical, inter-denominational Christian ministry, where he offers a plethora of resources on numerous topics.
Stand to Reason is a ministry initially founded by Greg Koukl, that seeks to train Christians to think more clearly about their faith and to make an even-handed, incisive, yet gracious defense for classical Christianity and classical Christian values in the public square.
Red Pen Logic YouTube channel is a subset of STR ministries, and is hosted by Tim Barnett
MAVEN YouTube channel, founded by Brett Kunkle, is a youth-focused ministry, aimed at equipping not only the next generation, but those who lovingly and biblically disciple them as well (more info on MAVEN ministries HERE). Founded by Matt Slick, CARM stands for the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry, and is one of the oldest and largest Christian Apologetics websites on the internet.
Reasonable Faith is an academic level apologetics ministry run by Dr. William Lane Craig. It offers in-depth theological, philosophical, and apologetic resources on a host of issues for defenders of the Christian faith.
“Before You Lose Your Faith: Deconstructing Doubt in the Church” free PDF book format (paperback format HERE) (High School level reading)
Alisa Childers YouTube channel - Alisa is a well respected and skilled apologist, and has authored multiple books (including “Another Gospel?”)
“10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) About Christianity” by Rebecca McLaughlin (Jr. High / High School level reading)
“Secular Creed: Engaging Five Contemporary Claims” by Rebecca McLaughlin (High School level reading)
“Why God Makes Sense in a World That Doesn't: The Beauty of Christian Theism” by Gavin Ortlund (High School level reading)
“DoubtLess: Because Faith is Hard” by Shelby Abbott (High School level reading)
“Apologetics at the Cross: An Introduction for Christian Witness” by Joshua D. Chatraw and Mark D. Allen (High School / College level reading)
“So the Next Generation Will Know: Preparing Young Christians for a Challenging World” by Sean McDowell and J. Warner Wallace (High School level reading)
Resources on Apologetics from
Resources on Apologetics from
“When I Don’t Desire God: How to Fight for Joy” by John Piper (High School level reading)
“When the Darkness Will Not Lift: Doing What We Can While We Wait for God — and Joy” by John Piper (High School level reading)
“How to Fight for Faith in the Dark: Three Lessons for Depression” article by Stephen Altrogge
“What Hope Does God Offer in My Depression?” podcast (<16mins) with John Piper
Here are additional Resources from on Depression, Fear & Anxiety, and Spiritual Warfare.
“A Call to Incarnational Ministry in the Face of Teen Self-Harm” article by Devan Grayson
Here are some additional resources from on Anxiety.
“Why Am I Feeling Like This?: A Teen's Guide to Freedom from Anxiety and Depression” by David Murray.
There’s an accompanying parent’s guide available HERE.
“Spiritual Depression: Its Causes and Its Cure” by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (High School / College level reading).
This book is a collection of sermons preached by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones at Westminster Chapel in 1954. There are audio recordings of these sermons available for free at (or on the same mobile app).
“A Small Book for the Anxious Heart” by Ed Welch (Jr. High / High School level reading)
“Depression: Looking Up from the Stubborn Darkness” by Ed Welch (High School / College level reading).
“Depression: The Way Up When You Are Down” minibook by Ed Welch
“I Just Want to Die: Replacing Suicidal Thoughts with Hope” minibook by David Powlison
“Teens and Suicide: Recognizing the Signs and Sharing Hope” minibook by Julie Lowe
“Self-Injury: When Pain Feels Good” minibook by Ed Welch (Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation) offers very helpful resources on a host of topics, which are edifying and accessible to people of multiple generations. Here are some resources on Anxiety, Depression, Suicide, and Spiritual Warfare.
Here are some additional resources from on Anxiety, Depression, Suicide, and Self-Harm.
For a complete list of all of their topics/resources, click HERE.
AXIS ministries offers multiple Parent Guides on various topics such as: Anxiety, Depression & Anxiety, Fear & Worry, Addiction, Teen Emotion, Rejection, Suicide & Self-Harm Prevention, FOMO, and much more.
“Compared to Her…” by Sophie de Witt (High School level reading)
“When Anxiety Is Overwhelming” free eBook by Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (High School level reading)
Here are resources from on Fear & Anxiety, Spiritual Warfare, and Suicide.
“Songs of Comfort for Anxious Souls” Spotify Playlist
“The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place” by Andy Crouch (High School / College level reading)
“Face Time: Your Identity in a Selfie World” by Kristen Hatton (Jr. High / High School level reading)
“Competing Spectacles: Treasuring Christ in a Media Age” by Tony Reinke (High School level reading)
“Parenting in the Digital Age” video sermon and Q&A with Tony Reinke (begins at minute 24:00)
“God, Technology, and the Christian Life” by Tony Reinke (High School level reading)
“5 Questions for Young Christians About Their Media Choices” TGC article by Brett McCracken
“Should Christian Parents Let Their Kids Play Video Games?” article by Drew Dixon
“Every Parent's Guide to Navigating our Digital World” book and additional resources on technology (video games, social media, app reviews, screentime, online dangers, and more) from the Fuller Youth Institute.
AXIS ministries offers multiple Parent Guides on various topics such as: Smartphones, Internet Filtering & Monitoring, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, Social Media, YouTube, Video Games, Smartphone Addiction, and much more.
Resources on Technology from
How to restrict phone access for your teen: iPhone tutorial and Android tutorial
Safe & Protected Smartphone Product Options: Bark and Gabb phones and smart devices and are awesome alternatives to a standard smartphone for teens.
Covenant Eyes and Canopy are the current premiere options for offering internet accountability and restrictions. TGC offers a helpful review of Canopy HERE.
Streetlights Audio Bible is a super fun way to listen to the bible, with backing hip-hop tones and beats from various collaborators, which offers up a unique way to engage the word of God. ( iPhone | Android )
Verses is a free ministry and catalog of songs produced by a host of notable and creative Christian songwriters, which lyrics are 100% scripture! It's a creative and well-produced means of intaking good music and scripture memorization! They're also on Spotify and Apple Music.
The Bible Project app is an ever growing tool for visual, textual, and thematic bible studying for all ages. ( iPhone | Android )
Ask Pastor John is a wonderful resource of Q&A’s with Pastor John Piper on a wide array of theological and practical topics Christians encounter and engage on a regular basis. ( iPhone | Spotify )
Stand to Reason is a reliable and rich Christian apologetics ministry that offers two apps for research and responding to multiple inquires and critiques of the Christian faith.
Reasonable Faith offers in-depth theological, philosophical, and apologetic resources on a plethora of issues for defenders of the Christian faith. ( iPhone | Android ) offers topical answers to thousands of questions you could think to ask about the bible, and more on their mobile apps - and in multiple languages! ( iPhone | Android )
CrossExamined.orgapp offers numerous apologetic and theological resources for students looking to understand and respond to inquiries of the Christian faith. ( iPhone | Android )
TheoTab is a unique and interactive way (structured like the periodic table of elements) to study multiple philosophical, theological, and apologetic thoughts, if/then charts, and resources. ( iPhone | Android )’s powerful and in-depth tools for God's Word are also available in multiple app formats. ( iPhone | Android ) offers not only free audio bible readings in multiple versions and languages, but they also offer free visual aids and full-length films to accompany the Gospels. ( iPhone | Android )
The “Dirty Dozen List: 2024” published by the National Center on Sexual Exploitation, citing popular mobile apps/service with ongoing safety issues and concerns that likely expose unsuspecting minors to targeting predators or explicit content.
“Just Do Something: A Liberating Approach to Finding God's Will” by Kevin DeYoung (High School level reading)
“The Call: Finding and Fulfilling God's Purpose For Your Life” by Dr. Os Guinness (High School / College level reading)
HERE is a very helpful ‘overview’ sermon by Dr. Guinness, on The Call book.
“What Is God’s Will for My Life?” video sermon (<1hr) by Jeremy Treat
“Understanding the Sovereignty of God and the Freedom of Humanity” video lecture from Pastor Bryan Hurlbutt (1hr 50mins long)
“Don’t Waste Your Life” by John Piper (famous “sea-shells” sermon clip HERE) (High School level reading)
“Welcome to Adulting: Navigating Faith, Friendship, Finances, and the Future” by JP Pukluda (High School / College level reading)
Additional “42 Days to Navigate Life Survival Pack” available HERE.
“How to Know the Will of God: Finding Direction with the Renewed Mind” sermon (<53mins) from Pastor John Piper
“How Do I Find God’s Will for My Life?” podcast (<16mins) from Pastor John Piper
“Knowing the Will of God for Your Life” sermon clip (<8mins) from Pastor RC Sproul
Resources on Knowing God’s Will from